Introducing – The Pitch



The Pitch is an interesting take on the overcrowded ‘business podcast’ marketplace. In these short (Around 20 minute) episodes, a founder of a business ‘pitches’ a group of real-world business investors to see whether or not they’d like to invest in said business. The Pitch is essentially the podcast version of (Insert your country’s TV show where founders pitch to investors) and this new podcast is pulling it off.

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Three Great Ask Gary Vee Shows!

Hugely successful entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk hosts a podcast and YouTube vlog called the Ask Gary Vee show where he answers questions from his followers on social media. Gary’s refreshingly straight-forward and entertaining style make these short episodes not ones to miss! Here are three of our favourite episodes of the Ask Gary Vee Show so far!..

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3 Great Podcasts for Start-Up Business!



Podcasts can be a way to learn all sorts about a particular subject and business is no exception. There are many different business podcasts, but here are 3 great podcasts that might just help you with an aspect of your business, or provide you with that missing something to get the wheels in motion on your idea… Why not search all 3 shows and see if your favourite entrepreneur has been a guest?

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Tim Ferriss Interviews Business A-Listers on Their Success!


3 Awesome Tim Ferriss Show Episodes For Business!


Interested in the world of business? Author, TV show host, investor, etcetera Tim Ferriss is brilliant at producing podcast episodes that ‘break down the learning process’ of people who are leaders in all sorts of fields. Here are 3 great episodes of the Tim Ferriss Show that feature big name guests from the world of business…

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